
Showing posts from February, 2020

What is dysphagia?

What is Dysphagia ?  Dysphagia can be defined as the difficulty in swallowing.  Causes of Dysphagia Preoesophageal causes Preoesophageal causes may be due to disturbance in oral or pharyngeal phase of deglutition, which include following: - Disturbance in mastication Disturbance in lubrication Disturbance in mobility of tongue Defects of palate Lesion of buccal cavity and floor of mouth Obstructive lesions of pharynx Inflammatory conditions Spasmodic conditions Paralytic conditions Oesophageal causes When their is disturbance in the oesophageal phase of deglutition. Their may be problem in lumen, in the wall or outside the wall of oesophagus.  Obstruction in lumen due to atresia, foreign body ,strictures or any tumour Acute or chronic oesophagitis Motility disorders of oesophagus Lesions pressing on the oesophagus from outside, for eg. Hiatus hernia, cervical osteophytes, mediastinal lesions etc.  Investigations Detailed history and examinatio


Puberphonia It is a voice and speech disorder Also called as mutational falsetto voice.  Usually children has high pitch voice, but in puberty the vocal cords lengthen and voice changes to lower pitch(occurs in males)  . In puberphonia, the vocal cords fails to lengthen, so the voice does not change from high pitch to that of low pitch.  Seen in emotionally immature boys, who are insecure and excessively attached to their mothers.  Physical and sexual development in normal in these boys  .  Treatment Training the body to produce low pitch voice Gutzmann's pressure test: Backward and downward pressing of thyroid eminence relaxes overstretched cords and low pitch voice can be produced.